Christmas Eve ~ Good Report

In Family Updates, Featured, Ministry Reports by David Waller9 Comments

Praise is multiplied by the number of people who hear it. It is one thing to thank a person privately and tell how their character benefited our lives, but a whole different thing to tell about the character they demonstrated to their boss or a crowd of hundreds people.

Give a Good Report to Others

As of Thursday evening, the picture

A simple act of kindness is multiplied by the number of people who hear the good report.

had generated more than 417,000 likes, had been shared more than 138,000 times and had received more than 30,000 comments. It was all to tell of a simple act of kindness which highlighted the character of a police officer in New York. Do people do acts of kindness to the tune of $100? Yes, every day, but when the report of that good deed is shared with hundreds of thousands, that twenty-five year old officer is appreciated all the more.

In a day when evil is highlighted and underscored through news outlets and movies, very few people get recognition for doing good. Next time you see a deed of kindness or character demonstrated, thank the person and go a step farther and share the good report with others.



  1. Merry Christmas David and Priscilla!!! Hope you Enjoy it to the fullest with family and friends!

  2. David

    The world would be a better place if everyone was kinder, yes?

    Instead of focusing on appearance and words, we should focus on actions. Actions speak WAY louder than words.


  3. Wishing you both a most joyous and blessed Christmas!!! I know that the posts over the last twelve days took quite a bit of thought and effort. Thank you for everything you have shared with all of us – friends and strangers alike.

  4. Merry CHRISTmas!! I hope you both had a great one! Thanks for all your post they were great!
    Don’t Quit on the Lord!
    God bless!
    Catherine K

  5. Hi David and Priscilla! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas! I was just checking in to see how Priscilla is doing? How many weeks is she now? Y’all are going to be wonderful parents and are going to have a very blessed baby! Would love to hear how y’all are doing! God Bless You! In Christ, Brooke

    1. Author

      Thank you so much Brooke, for asking. Priscilla is doing well. We are currently traveling in Australia and will post more info later. We just touched down in Sydney hours ago. Priscilla sure is a real trooper to be always on the move. We have ten more weeks until our due date on March 9! Exciting, exciting! Thanks for asking!

      1. So good to hear! I always enjoy reading the blog! Y’all encourage me so much! Have fun in Australia!

      2. Oh My Goodness, you are in my country! How amazing! What brings you here? where about will you be travelling? It would be amazing to meet up with you if you are giving a talk somewhere!!!

        Priscilla, take care these hot Australian summers can be quite bad for heavily pregnant ladies, make sure Mr David gives you lots of water and snacks and rest!

        God Bless you both!!!

      3. So glad to hear that Priscilla is doing so well & able to travel too. Thinking of you both on your upcoming journey into parenthood. How very exciting! 🙂

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