Christmas Day!!! ~ Gratefulness

In Family Updates, Featured, Ministry Reports by David Waller1 Comment

You can be an incredibly grateful person, but no one will every know about it until you choose to express it. This can be done in so many words through our words, actions and attitudes. What better time to show gratefulness than after receiving a gift, a meal or a kind word from others. An active definition of gratefulness is Letting God and others know in what ways they have benefited my life.

Give the Gift of an Expression of Gratefulness

The ten lepers all received the same thing, but one chose to show gratefulness.Scripture records the account of Jesus healing ten people that were diagnosed with the cruel disease and impending death of leprosy. When any “normal person” would approach they were required to call out, “Unclean, unclean” to warn the approaching person. When Jesus approached, however, they plead for healing. He commanded them to go and show themselves to the local health department (priests) to get a clean record of health. However, after receiving and rejoicing in the gift only one returned to thank the one who gave them that health and life. He was one who appreciated the giver even greater than the gift.

In our society today, we tend to elevate the creation more than the Creator. That is why we have so much backward thinking today. We enjoy the things God has given us and totally forgotten that He is still there waiting for us to say thank you. Take a moment this special day to thank God, your parents, your siblings, your relatives for how they have benefited your life.

This concludes our series on twelve things you can give that don’t cost money.


  1. I’m a school teacher and so often my students don’t say “thank-you” when I hand them something, or if we have treat day. Some days are hard and I feel unappreciated, but then I think how often do we not say thank-you to others and especially to God for all He’s provided? I began writing 5 different things I’m grateful to God for each day and it’s overwhelming how rich God’s blessings are when you see it on paper. He’s the only one to get us through thick and thin and I find his provisions come in His perfect timing! What a great reminder to be grateful to our Creator. Thank-you for sharing!

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